In Illinois, every three years children are up for IEP review. At my son’s last meeting, I was asked by the school if I would be updating his medical diagnosis. I said that I would and would appreciate any feedback they would have since we last saw a neurophysiologist four years ago. The school gave me paperwork that said they had concerns about speech and attention.
I took my son to the neurophysiologist where he spent all day testing. The doctor then interviewed me, my husband, and collected the school’s report. She said that she would take the testing, reports, and medical history into consideration when making a diagnosis. The diagnosis was Aspergers/ High Functioning Autism, Written Expressive Disorder, Anxiety, Speech Delay, Developmental Coordination Disorder and Sensory Processing.
Upon receiving the diagnosis, I thought the next part would be easy. I would just take it to the school and find the best plan for my son. It was not so. The school disagreed with the diagnosis and told me he didn’t have Autism. They then said ask to conduct their own testing.
Now, I am confused. I have no idea what is going to happen when their results come in. Can an Educational Psyciatrist change the diagnosis? I will let you know what happens! Believe me, I am standing my ground.