Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Down Syndrome, A Blessing

Before I was born, my grandmother gave birth to an adorable brown eyed boy. She named him, George, after his father. At one of his first check ups the doctor confirmed that baby Georgie had Down Syndrome. The doctor gave her options and even asked her if she wanted to keep the baby. Even though she knew the road ahead would not be easy, she wanted to take it.

 My grandmother to this day would tell you that Georgie is one of the best things that ever happen to her. He taught her that life doesn't have to be perfect and that there is always a reason to celebrate. When my grandmother was left a widow, Georgie gave her reason to keep going and has been her companion.

Georgie not only has blessed my grandmother's life but has affected everyone in our family. My mom developed a love for special needs children and became a special needs teacher. All of Georgie's nieces and nephews have developed great compassion, love, and understanding for the special needs community.

Our family would not be the same without Georgie. We are so thankful that God blessed us with him and gave us reasons to celebrate each day.

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