Thursday, January 8, 2015

Accepting a Diagnosis

One of the hardest parts of being a parent is to notice that your child is not developing like the typical child. It is equally as hard to get help and trust the professionals with evaluating your child and making an accurate diagnosis.

Yesterday, I was talking to a mom that was taking her child today for an evaluation and diagnosis. The last thing she said to me was, “Please pray for my heart, so I am open to receive my child’s diagnosis.”

 Being told your child has a disability can be traumatizing. Depending upon the severity or the diagnosis, your entire life and expectations for your child might change. You feel so many emotions of shock, denial, anger, anxiety, sadness, and fear of the future. You often asks questions like, “Why my child?” and even “Why me?” You want hope. You hope things will get easier soon. You want a time frame of when. You want people who will understand and walk beside you on this journey.

I will most definitely be praying for her. It wasn’t long ago that I was in her shoes.

Lord, please be with my friend whose child is being evaluated today. I pray, God, that her child may do her best so the evaluation will be accurate. Please be with the doctor and mother as the diagnosis is told. Help the mother be open to hear the diagnosis. Give her the strength and courage on the journey ahead. Please comfort her on the hard days and make your presence known- Amen

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