Friday, January 30, 2015

I Feel Alone, Isolated

“I feel so alone and isolated.” I hear these words a lot from Special Needs parents. It is hard when family members do not understand. Friends don’t get it or push away. Spouses are not in agreement with diagnosis, treatment, or everyday care. You don’t have “you time” because your time is spent running your child to therapy and doctor appointments. It is not an easy journey.

The best piece of advice I was ever given was “find your people”. Find people that are in the same situation as you and reach out. No one can do this journey alone without support. There are people out there that get it. You can find them at the therapy office, doctor office, classroom, online blogs and social media.

There are people who have been there before that want to cry with you, hug you, and share their knowledge with you. After moving, I happened to just bump into someone that “got it” at my kids gymnastics class. Our kids were the only two kids not following the group. I don’t remember how we started talking about therapy and our kids, but it was so good to finally have a chance to share with someone with no judgment. She not only pointed me in the right direction of a great therapy clinic, but taught me about therapy funding and even helped me fill out paperwork. She was God sent at that moment because she was exactly what I needed at that time.

If you are feeling alone and isolated because the people around you just do not understand, know that I have prayed for you. I hope you reach out and find “your people” soon. And when you do find them, please be on the lookout for others who were in your shoes. They will need you too.

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