Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Essential Oils for Special Needs

Several of my friends who are therapy moms have started using essential oils on their children. The therapy clinic that my children attend uses essential oils diffusers in their therapy rooms. Since essential oils are now being used as part of treatment, I decided to look into it.

Essential oils are natural oils from seeds, bark, stem, roots, or flowers. The oils of plants not only smell good, but help protect the plant from predators and disease. In addition to its benefits for plants, essential oils have been used throughout history for medicine and therapy. The most popular essential oil companies are doTERRA and Young Living.

Many studies are being done and prove that essential oils are an effective treatment.  I read about several studies done at:

After doing my research, I decided to start with the basics. The oils I am currently trying on my children with Sensory Processing Disorder include:

·        Lavender- can assist the body to adapting to stress. I have put a drop on their weighted blankets at night or on their weighted stuff animals.

·        Orange- can lift the spirit bringing peace and happiness to mind. I add a drop to my large water bottle. Then I shake it up and divide it between the three of us.

·        Lemon- can help with focus.  I add a drop to my large water bottle. Then I shake it up and divide it between the three of us.

·        Frankincense- can be calming. I have put a drop on their weighted blankets at night or on their weighted stuff animals.

I haven’t started combining oils yet, but I have heard that you can get better results by blending oils. Both doTERRA and Young Living sell essential oil blends, but you can save money doing it yourself. I know, since my sister in law is a pro at this! I am very excited to start my essential oil journey and blog about how it is helping my family. Let me know if you have tried this, and post your results.

I have been given this warning that I thought I would share: "Please be careful when using essential oils, especially with young children. No oils are recommended for use with children under the age of 2. And there are many oils that are not recommended for children under the ages of 6 and 10 years of age." My sister in law who has a child under two mainly uses oils in a diffuser. She also gave me the idea of putting it on weighted blankets. One drop goes a long way. Be careful with little ones.

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