Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Wrong Order

Today my son made it into the one hundred club! He can now count to one hundred. To celebrate, I told him we could get some ice cream.  When we got there, my son was so excited to order by himself. He asked for a kid’s cup of peppermint ice cream. However, the lady brought him a chocolate chip ice cream cone instead. Even though, I understood what he said, I guess she did not. He was very upset and started crying. I quickly asked for a cup and told my son I would fix it. The line was long, so I walked him over to the side to calm down, and the cashier started helping the next person in line.

I then put his ice cream in a cup (He says a crunchy cone does not go with soft ice cream).  Once his ice cream was in a cup, he calmed down, and I encouraged him to try it. I told him that he might like it as much as peppermint. I also told him that if he didn’t like it, I would take it back and get him what he wanted. He thought about it for a second, and then…


I couldn’t believe it! He handled change and disappointment like a champ. He also said that he loved the chocolate chip ice cream.

Words cannot explain how proud and happy this moment made me. My son not only responded appropriately to change and disappointment (without a huge meltdown), but he tried something new! I am constantly in awe of his progress. Today is one of those moments that I will treasure- the time he was able to handle a wrong order.

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