Thursday, December 4, 2014

Brain Highways Helps A Disorganized Brain

When your child is struggling with learning, focus, behavior, and social skills, it is important to understand the root of the behavior. The behavior comes from what experts call a “disorganized brain”. A disorganized brain happens when a child didn’t retain primitive reflexes, so it didn’t complete the development of the lower brain. Because the lower centers of the brain are underdeveloped, it is constantly at war with the higher centers of the brain. The high centers of the brain are then regularly trying to compensate for brain functions that are not automatic. The high centers of the brain then become exhausted from compensating so it cannot properly do its job to learn, focus, behave, and socialize. People with a disorganized brain tend to:

·        Have poor organization

·        Lack focus

·        Get frustrated

·        Have panic attacks and anxiety

·        Show aggressive behavior or withdrawn behavior

·        Have poor socialization skills

·        Insomnia or oversleeping

·        High tolerance of pain

·        Show signs of self injury behavior

·        Dislikes school

·        Has trouble reading/ writing
·        Has trouble comprehending and retaining

·        Has messy work

·        Has trouble with eating ( doesn’t want to eat or doesn’t know when full)

Brain Highways is an educational program. It has been developed to improve learning, focus, and behavior through organizing a person’s brain. The program organizes the brain by through various activities. Some of these activities include:

·        Wake Up the Brain: movement activities (swinging, spinning, balancing, crashing, pulling, pushing, crawling, scooting


·        Inhibit Primitive Reflexes: extending, bending, stretching


·        Develop Lower Centers of the Brain


·        Stimulate the Senses: sensory play with various textures, tastes, smells, lights, sounds


Brain Highways also provides weekly multimedia education and ideas for parents through audio and video clips and handouts. Some of the education includes positive behavior approaches.

Brain Highways’ program has been known to help people with ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing, Autism, Eating Disorders, Behavior disorders, and Learning Disorders. It is a great program to look into if you or your child struggle with a disorganized brain.

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